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CME Scoreboard: Prediction Detail

Prediction for CME (2021-02-26T22:00:00-CME-001)

CME Observed Time: 2021-02-26T22:00Z
CME was not detected at Earth.
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME:

Predicted Arrival Time: 2021-02-27T20:00Z
Predicted geomagnetic storm max Kp range due to CME: 4.0 - 6.0
Predicted Dst min. in nT: -88
Predicted Dst min. time: 2021-02-28T10:00Z
Prediction Method: Anemomilos
Prediction Method Note:
: Product: Dst_alert_status
: Issued: 26-Feb-2021 22:00:01 UTC
: JDIssued: 2459272.41669
: Number_of_Data_Records: 1
: Missing_data: 9999
: Source: SET Stream B (Anemomilos) algorithm
: version: 3.48
# Prepared by Space Environment Technologies/Space Weather Division
# Contact:
# Forecast_summary_metadata:
#   AlertIssued is the alert issue time
#   PredictStart is the event predicted start time
#   PredictPeak is the event predicted peak time
#   EL is the wait time in minutes before issuing another alert
#   GX is the alert level on NOAA G scale ranging from G0 to G5
#    G4, G5: WARNING: is issued when a hazardous event is occurring, 
#        is imminent, or has a very high probability of occurring. 
#        A warning is used for very active conditions posing a threat 
#        to life or property.
#    G3: ADVISORY: is issued in active to very active conditions 
#        that may cause significant inconvenience, and if caution 
#        is not exercised, it could lead to situations that may threaten 
#        life and/or property.
#    G2: WATCH: is issued when the risk of a hazardous event has increased 
#        significantly, but its occurrence, location, and/or timing is 
#        still uncertain. It is intended to provide enough lead-time in 
#        active conditions so that those who need to set their plans in 
#        motion can do so.
#    G1: ALERT: is issued when an event threshold is crossed. It contains 
#        information that is available at the time of issue.
#    G0: MONITORING: is issued when the geomagnetic conditions are being 
#        actively monitored with information that is available at the 
#        time of issue.
#   DST is the predicted peak (deepest perturbation) of event in nT
#   Pr is the % probability of occurrence of event at epoch
#   Sr is the source of forecast (daily Probability (GP or SP), Solar Event (SO), or None (NN))
#   Vel is the velocity of the ejecta leaving the solar surface in km/sec
#   Status of the combined predicted Dst events relative to NOAA G-scale
#      AC = all clear (>-10 nT) (G0 monitoring)
#      UN = unsettled (-33 to -10 nT) (G1 alert)
#      SE = small event predicted (-33 to -48 nT) (G2 watch)
#      ME = medium event predicted (-48 to -198 nT) (G3 advisory)
#      LE = large event predicted (-198 to -350 nT) (G4 warning)
#      LX = very large event predicted (-350 to -400 nT) (G5 warning)
#   CID is the Class ID for the event composed of a letter flare class and Xhf magnitude
#      C = small flare class
#      M = medium flare class
#      X = large flare class
#      0-300 = Xhf magnitude of event
#   Bz is the estimated dominant Bz direction at Earth (N = northward, S = southward)
# AlertIssued  PredictStart PredictPeak  EL GX  DST Pr Sr  Vel Status CID  Bz
  202102262200 202102272000 202102281000 60 G3 -088 02 NN  750 ME     C013 S
Lead Time: 22.00 hour(s)
Difference: -----
Prediction submitted by WKent Tobiska (SET SWD) on 2021-02-26T22:00Z
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CCMC Rules of the Road: CCMC requests that users notify the CCMC, CME model/technique developers and submitting forecasters/researchers before performing event and validation studies with data from the CME Arrival Time Scoreboard. It is recommended that such studies be performed with the knowledge and collaboration of developers and submitting forecasters/researchers.

If you are looking for the official U.S. Government forecast for space weather, please go to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center ( This "Experimental Research Information" consists of preliminary NASA research products and should be interpreted and used accordingly.

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